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The Municipal Institute of Culture, Tourism and Art of Mazatlan.
An Institute with future and values.

Originating in the Municipal Development Plan approved on May 21st, 2005. As part of the vision, with the aim of unifying efforts and multiplying achievements in education and dissemination of culture, the document established the creation of the Institute, by merging the municipal areas of Cultural diffusion and the Commission for the Promotion and Tourism Development of Mazatlan (CODETUR). CULTURA was created on July 2nd of the same year as a decentralized public body, with the unanimous approval in City Hall of the Municipal decree Núero 03. Since then, it has been responsible for the areas that had been conferred to the Directorate of Cultural Diffusion, the Municipal Center of the Arts, CODETUR, libraries and those relating to the municipal representation in the administration of the Ángela Peralta Theater.

Miguel Alemán No. 203
Col. Centro CP 82000
Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México
Tels. 52 (669) 981 10 10
52 (669) 982 44 34
52 (669) 982 44 44
52 (669) 982 88 20
Fax 52 (669) 982 44 44 ext. 102


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