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Sinaloa Culture Festival

In 2005, the Festival Sinaloa of the Arts evolved into the Fair of the Arts Sinaloa, with the purpose of implementing a policy that extends and facilitates access to cultural goods and services to the entire Sinaloan population.

The “Feria de las Artes” is organized by the Sinaloa Institute for Culture and in Mazatlan, is presented by the Municipal Institute for Culture, Tourism and Art.
Its calendar is the expression of the artistic relevance of Sinaloa, of the continuous work of artistic companies and the high level reached by them, which allows them to successfully engage in the scenic dialogue with groups of other latitudes.

It offers a variety of activities, including performances to enjoy in the streets, plazas and theaters. Its programming is multidisciplinary and it has included groups from the United States, Argentina, Cuba, France, Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, Mexico and other Nations with performances of dance, music and theater and some of them have performed in the international Cervantino Festival.
