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La obra de Sosa está marcada por las metamorfosis y el movimiento: las nubes, el cielo, la profundidad del misterioso paisaje marino. Ahora en “El Origen de la vida” el artista tlaxcalteca realiza un homenaje a la luz, los presagios, sonidos y silencios del inconmensurable universo marítimo: el origen de la vida.Hermenegildo Sosa nació en 1946 en San Andrés Buenavista Tlaxcala, en 1978, y en más de 40 años de trayectoria artística en distintas galerías del país ha montado  74 exposiciones individuales, 260 colectivas;  su obra se distingue por su sensibilidad y riguroso dominio técnico y es miembro del Salón de la Plástica Mexicana, agrupación fundamental para las artes plásticas de México.
La entrada a esta exposición es gratuita.  
Learn about the work of the maestro Hermenegildo Sosa
This Thursday at 7 pm in Casa Haas, leading Mexican fine artist Hermenegildo Sosa will be present at the opening of his exhibition “The Origin of Life”, which is presented by the Instituto de Cultura de Mazatlan with support of the Hall of Mexican Fine Arts. The work of Sosa is marked by metamorphosis and movement: clouds, the sky, the depth of the mysterious seascape. Now in “The Origin of Life” the Tlaxcalan artist performs a tribute to light, omens, sounds and silences of the immeasurable maritime universe: the origin of life. Hermenegildo Sosa was born in 1946 in San Andrés Buenavista Tlaxcala, in 1978, and in the more than 40 years of his artistic career in different galleries in the country, he has mounted 74 solo exhibitions, 260 collective; his work is distinguished by its sensitivity and strict technical domain and he is a member of the Salon of Mexican Fine Arts, an essential grouping for fine arts in Mexico. Entrance to the exhibit is free.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Prensa. .

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