A nombre del Director General del Instituto de Cultura de Mazatlán, Raúl Rico González; de Juan Manuel Flores, director educativo de la Escuela de Artes y del maestro Percival Álvarez, director de la Escuela de Música y Canto de Cultura, el maestro Betanzos agradeció la presencia de familiares y amigos de los jóvenes que incursionan en el estudio del jazz. La tarde inició con el hit No. 1 del la década de los cuarenta, In The Mood de Glenn Miller; seguido de Fly me to the moon comúnmente conocida por la interpretación del legendario Frank Sinatra; Bohemian Rhapsody de la inolvidable banda de los 70´s Queen y Mambo #8 de Pérez Prado.
Al finalizar cada pieza, el público, entre ellos los padres y amigos de los alumnos, aclamaban con estruendo; el maestro tomó unos segundos para compartir lo que considera es un privilegio: trabajar con los alumnos y ayudarlos a esforzarse cada vez más en su camino por el mundo musical.
A lo largo del recital, cada alumno demostró su talento y el avance obtenido durante el ciclo escolar; esta presentación finalizó con una ovación por parte del público.
The Jazz Band provides a harmonious evening To celebrate the end of courses of the present school year the Jazz Band of the School of Music of the Instituto de Cultura de Mazatlan offered a concert conducted by maestro Carlos Martínez Betanzos in the Experimental Forum. In the name of the Director General of the Instituto de Cultura de Mazatlan, Raul Rico Gonzalez; Juan Manuel Flores, Educational Director of the School of Arts and maestro Percival Álvarez, Director of the School of Music and Singing of Cultura, maestro Betanzos thanked relatives and friends of the young people who venture into the study of jazz for their presence. The afternoon began with the No. 1 hit in the forties, In The Mood, by Glenn Miller; followed by Fly Me to theMmoon commonly known for the interpretation of the legendary Frank Sinatra; Bohemian Rhapsody, unforgettable by the 70´s Queen, and Mambo #8 by Pérez Prado Band. At the end of each piece, the public, including parents and friends of students, happily applauded; the teacher took a few seconds to share what he considers is a privilege: working with the students and help them strive increasingly on their way around the musical world. Throughout the concert, each student showed her talent and progress during the school year; This presentation ended with a standing ovation by the audience.