Bajo la guía de la maestra ucraniana Nina Farvarshchuk, los alumnos Jorge Leos, Jesús Baños, Braulio Tostado, María José Meza, Iyali Carrillo, Paulina Ramos, Emily Robles, José Luis Galarza, Miroslava Cruz y Nikol Rentería, interpretaron ante familiares y amigos los primeros frutos de lo que será una larga pero satisfactoria travesía en el apasionante mundo de la música. Por motivos de salud, la alumna de nivel profesional Elda Avilés del nivel profesional no pudo asistir al recital y por su parte, Rebeca Trujillo y Fernanda Abigail Infante Esquivel del nivel técnico, formadas bajo la guía de la maestra Farvarshchuk, ejecutaron respectivamente el III movimiento del Concierto en La menor, del italiano Antonio Vivaldi, y Rondo para violín, del compositor austriaco Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Después de que las alumnas Iyali Carrillo, María Meza, Paulina Ramos y Emily Robles interpretaran a cuatro violines los primeros tres movimientos del Concierto en sí menor, de Antonio Vivaldi, todo el grupo en compañía del pianista Jesús Eduardo Pérez Franco y la maestra Nina, fueron recompensados y despedidos con los aplausos del público.
Nina Farvarshchuk and students celebrate the end of classes United by the love of music, kids and teens studying violin at the School of Music of the Instituto de Cultura de Mazatlan offered a recital to dismiss the present school cycle. Under the guidance of Ukrainian teacher Nina Farvarshchuk, students Jorge Leos, Jesus Baños, Braulio Tostado, Maria Jose Meza, Iyali Carrillo, Pauline Ramos, Emily Robles, José Luis Galarza, Miroslava Cruz and Nikol Renteria, played before family and friends the first fruits of what will be a long but satisfying journey into the exciting world of the music. For her part, Rebeca Trujillo of the technical level and Fernanda Infante (who supplemented student Elda Avilés at a professional level), formed under the guidance of the teacher Farvarshchuk, played respectively the third movement of the Concerto in A minor, by Italian Antonio Vivaldi, and Rondo for Violin, by Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. After which students Iyali Carrillo, Maria Meza, Pauline Ramos and Emily Robles interpreted on four violins the first three movements of the Concert in B minor by Antonio Vivaldi, the entire group in the company of pianist Jesús Eduardo Pérez Franco and maestra Niña, were rewarded and dismissed with the applause of the public.