Los interesados deberán presentar su propuesta económica en hoja membretada con el nombre de la banda o grupo, número de integrantes, indicar el evento en el que desea participar (Olas Altas o desfiles), nombre y firma del responsable del grupo, teléfono de oficina o celular.También deberán aportar los siguientes datos fiscales: Nombre o razón social, domicilio fiscal, constancia de situación fiscal adjunta, cotización desglosada, tipo de comprobante (recibo de honorarios o factura)
La recepción de propuestas será de 9:30 a 14:30 horas en las oficinas de Cultura, ubicadas en Av. Miguel Alemán 203, entre Belisario Domínguez y Heriberto Frías, Col. Centro.
From December 26 to 29, Cultura will accept proposals to play at Carnaval From Tuesday, the 26 and until Friday, the 29 of December the Instituto de cultura de Mazatlan will receive proposals from bands and groups interested in playing in the parades and in Olas Altas during the Mazatlan International Carnaval, to be held from February 8 to 13. Interested parties must submit their financial proposal on letterhead with the name of the band or group, number of members, indicate the event in which you want to participate (Olas Altas or parades), name and signature of the group leader, office phone or cell phone. They must also provide the following tax information: Name or business name, fiscal address, proof of fiscal situation attached, itemized contribution, type of voucher (receipt of fees or invoice) The reception of proposals will be from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Cultura offices, located at Av. Miguel Alemán 203, between Belisario Domínguez and Heriberto Frías, Col. Centro.