From the emblematic neighborhood of Olas Altas thousands of Mazatlecos gathered in a novel celebration that successfully organized the City Council and the Municipal Institute of Culture, Tourism and Art of Mazatlan, to welcome you to 2019.
From 9:00 in the evening the first musical notes of the False Cuban Orchestra were heard, who were in charge of starting with the environment and motivating the citizens who were arriving to the place. Afterwards, the MazShow group continued with the musical show, dancing big and small.
The most anticipated moment of the night came when the clock marked zero hours and on the screens the countdown led by the Mayor, Luis Guillermo Benitez Torres, who along with his wife, Ms. Gaby Peña Chico encouraged locals and tourists who chanted the arrival of 2019, then the sky was illuminated with a great pyrotechnic show and lights that adorned the perfect landscape of a great night, the event was also decorated with the presence of the director of the Institute of Culture, Tourism and Art of Mazatlan, the filmmaker Óscar Blancarte Pimentel, who at all times was aware that the event will be carried out as planned.
More than 15 thousand people gathered made the human warmth of the celebration beat the cold weather. Between laughter, hugs, family conviviality and good wishes, the celebration was extended to 2:00 in the morning, gradually emptying the ride of Olas Altas, with the desire intact of the citizens that the event “Welcome 2019, Celebration New Year’s Day “becomes a tradition in the Port.