This afternoon at the Galería Rubio, the exhibition “Los Ovnis de Mazatlán, Sinaloa” by Mazatlecan artist Arturo De la Vega was inaugurated.
In the 73 works that make up this exhibition, De la Vega offers a disturbing mixture of elements: shamanism, iconic places of Mazatlan and Sinaloa, spirals, frets, genetic structures, human figures and animals.
Over three years, the artist created this exhibition full of bright colors and made with materials such as acrylic, ink and wood in which the genetic code appears, the Eiffel Tower, the Mazatlan Clavadista, the Black Bridge of Culiacán, Las Labradas, the lighthouse and the Three Islands together with abductions, cloning, rituals and other extraordinary phenomena of science and magic.
In this way, Arturo De la Vega continues with these works, his obsessive work in which he captures the mystical and supernatural nature of Mexico and, of course, “La Perla del Pacífico”.
“Los Ovnis de Mazatlán, Sinaloa” will be hanging in the Rubio Gallery until April 30.