Bringing experience, human capital and more, are some of the things that the Instituto de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlan will have in the elaboration of the Carnaval of Villa Unión, which in 2020 will celebrate its 80th edition.
In a press conference held in the Port, José Ángel Tostado Quevedo, in charge of the General Directorate of the Institute of Culture, indicated that it will be from April 11 to 14 when the maximum party of the largest union in Mazatlan takes place, where the winning dance teams as well as six floats will be part.
Tostado Quevedo said they could contribute up to 8 floats, but that will depend on the route drawn by the organizing committee since some streets are narrow and the wiring can hinder the passage of the floats.
Antonio Romero, President of the Committee of Fiestas and Carnaval of Villa Unión, informed that this Saturday, March 7, the festival will take shape as they will announce the name of the edition, the candidates will be announced, the official banda will start with the first demonstration.
The second manifestation will be on Saturday, March 14, the third will take place on Saturday, the 21, while Saturday, the 28 will be the final of the Child Queen and the King of Joy, the minor will be defined with an award-winning flower, while the male It will be who sells tickets.
An influx of up to 20 thousand people is expected for this celebration. Members of the Organizing Committee indicated that during the parades they will have two people who will disguise themselves as “toritos”, who will put on a unique show and give joy to the children who appreciate these activities.