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For the second time, the staging of Caneros enamored the Mazatlecan people in its presentation within the Festival Internacional de Teatro that is carried out by the Instituto Municipal de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán.

Five prisoners, a prison, laughter, crying, problems, experiences, five different life stories that find a coincidence in a theater workshop as an escape from their reality.

“Don Gustavo”, “Carlos”, “Sergio”, “Daniel” and “Roberto”, men with different convictions, are in the jail in search of distraction and to subtract days from their stay decide to form a theater workshop, In addition to artistic teachings, they learn to share part of their lives.

The audience attending the Angela Peralta Theater managed to be moved by the perfect interpretations of the artists Luis Rábago and José Luis Rodríguez of the Compañía Nacional de Teatro, along with Josar, José Manzanilla and Alejandro Careaga of the Red Iguana Company who gave life to the characters of the play Caneros, directed by maestro Ramón Gómez Polo in a co-production of the Instituto de Cultura and the Compañía Nacional de Teatro,

Once again, this amazing play delighted all viewers by embracing one more achievement, in addition to its recent presentations in Mexico City.

Commemorating the commitment, dedication, passion and experience of the great actors Luis Rábago and José Luis Rodríguez at the end of the performance, they received recognition from maestra Zoila Fernández, Artistic Director on behalf of Lic. José Ángel Tostado Quevedo General Director of the Instituto de Cultura, added to the applause and the ovation of the audience who thanked for each of the emotions that surrounded this staging.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Press. .

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