The 50th International Cervantino Festival has promoted a great tribute to the renowned composer Mario Lavista, as part of the pillar programming for this 2022. Mazatlecan talent will arrive through choreographers Claudia Lavista and Víctor Manuel Ruiz, co-founders of the company Delfos Danza Contemporánea and the Professional School of Dance of Mazatlan.
This important achievement is celebrated by the Director of the Instituto Municipal de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán, José Ángel Tostado Quevedo, who highlighted that with this type of projection of local artists, manifests the great talent and work that is realized at the Municipal Arts Center.
This tribute is headed by Claudia Lavista, the composer’s daughter, who dances four scores written by her father, also based on the fact that several works by Mario Lavista have been the sound support for various choreographies; works such as Reflejos de la noche or Simurg, which inspired the composition work of choreographers such as Jaime Blanc, Gloria Contreras, Guillermina Bravo, Duane Cochran and the groups Forion Ensamble and CEPRODAC.
On the occasion of this celebration of the composer who loved dance, four choreographers meet: Melva Olivas, Víctor Manuel Ruiz, Raúl Tamez and Claudia Lavista herself, who, with the collaboration of the Luz Sonora Quartet, made up of Jorge Andrés Ortiz, Alexander Bruck , Itzel Conde and Ageo Méndez, and the flutist Alejandro Escuer will put together a quartet of pieces that reflect on life and death, light and shadow, and the inescapable cyclical nature of life.
Nineteen dancers from CEPRODAC of INBAL (Contemporary Dance Production Center) will give life, body and movement to this choreographic tribute to Mario Lavista, and the visual elements of the project will be designed by the artist Aurelio Palomino.
The realization of these four choreographies will be complemented by the premiere exhibition of a videodance entitled Ofrenda, based on the work of the same name for recorder by Mario Lavista, performed by Claudia Lavista in collaboration with filmmaker Alexander Dahm during a recent stay in Israel. A sound light of collective creation that will illuminate the dances of Mario Lavista.
It is a multidisciplinary project that integrates the work of 30 artists, promoted by the CDMX Theater System to be premiered at the Esperanza Iris City Theater on October 15th and 16th in CDMX and at the Teatro Juárez de Guanajuato on October 20th and 21st, all within the framework of the 50th Cervantino International Festival.
The Instituto Municipal de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán celebrates this initiative and the inclusion of maestros Lavista and Ruiz, who have developed their artistic work for 25 years in the port of Mazatlán.