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Study Program




The three-year curriculum is divided into 3 training areas, which include

43 subjects, which are:


– Introduction to Action I and II.

– History of Theater I, II, III and IV.

– Literature I and II.

– Voice and Diction I, II and III.

– Action I, II, III and IV.

– Body Expression I, II and III.

– History of Art I, II, III and IV.

– Workshop of Plastic Arts I and II.

– English I, II, III, IV, V and VI.

– Workshop I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII.

– Theology.

– Costumes and makeup.

– Body Sensitization and Spatial Design.

– Address.

– Production Workshop.

– Scenography Workshop.

– Video edition.

– Oral and written expression.

– Pedagogy of Art.

– Photography.

– Investigation methodology.

– Practices I and II.

– Design.

– Research Works Seminar.


The Technical Career in Theater Art has a multidisciplinary formation, sharing the classroom,

in some subjects, with the Technical Career in Plastic Arts.




Promote the development of habits, abilities and acting skills that allow the mastery of methods and techniques that make the student’s work more effective and integral.

– Provide high level of theoretical and practical knowledge of the specialty of acting and theatrical art.

– Contribute to the professional training of the student, harmonizing the psychomotor factors.

– To train the student in the knowledge and mastery of the basic technical possibilities.

– Stimulate the imaginative potentials, sensitivity and aesthetic taste of the students, as well as their capacity for organization.

– Encourage study, deepening and analysis in all spheres of culture.

– Promote the preparation that allows the student to transmit the knowledge acquired.