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GRAND EVENTS of the Mazatlan Cultural Festival 2015The Mazatlan Cultural Festival 2015, with the participation of 1,638 artists from Russia, the United States, Cuba and Mexico will be is celebrated from October 8th to December 19th.
Its programming is for all audiences, and will offer 10 major events with foreign and local artists; it visit 6 colonias through the program “Culture en tu Casa”; There will be 5 activities framed in literary culture, 8 exhibitions through the fine arts culture program; Culture with History will present 3 concerts in churches, and the General programming.
Check the general program at: http://www.culturamazatlan.com/festivalcultural/ or keep your eyes on our facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/culturamazatlan

Camerata Mazatlan
Saturday Oct. 10 2015, 8 pmAngela Peralta TheaterTickets: $200 $150 $120 $100Available at the Angela Peralta Theater´s box officeOnline www.culturamazatlan.com

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