Bajo la batuta del maestro Percival Álvarez, la prestigiada institución musical interpretará La Primavera de Antonio Vivaldi con el maestro Arturo Romero en el violín; Polonesa, Minuet y Badinerie de J.S. Bach con la intervención de la flautista rusa María Vakórina; Cinema Paradiso de E. Morricone; Voces de Primavera de Johann Strauss y Danzón No. 2 de Arturo Márquez.Con esta presentación la Camerata Mazatlán se acerca a nuevos públicos en escenarios alternativos y se suma al esfuerzo del patronato de este orfanato para conseguir recursos que serán destinados a dar techo, alimento y educación a niños mazatlecos sin hogar.
Los boletos para “Voces de Primavera” tienen un costo de $500 pesos y están disponibles en la taquilla del Teatro Ángela Peralta. Tel, 982 44 46 ext. 103.
Concert in Benefit of the Orphanage
In an attempt to spread classical music among new audiences, this Friday, May 12 at 7:30 pm at the OrfanatorioMazatlan and the Camerata Mazatlan offer a concert “Voices of Spring”, as a benefit for this institution that assists homeless children in Mazatlan.
Under the baton of maestro Percival Álvarez, the prestigious musical institution performs Antonio Vivaldi´s Spring with the maestro Arturo Romero on the violin; Polonaise, Minuet and Badinerie from J.S. Bach with the performance of Russian flutist María Vakórina; Cinema Paradiso of e. Morricone; Voices of Spring by Johann Strauss and Danzón No. 2 by Arturo Márquez. With this presentation, the Camerata Mazatlan is approaching new audiences in alternative stages and joins the efforts of the Board of Trustees of this orphanage with resources to be devoted to giving shelter, food and education to homeless Mazatlecan children. Tickets for “Voices of Spring” have a cost of $500 pesos and are available at the box office of the Teatro Angela Peralta and at the Orfanatorio Mazatlan. Tel: 982 44 46 x103.