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En las obras los artistas plasman sus emociones y visión sobre su entorno social y la forma en que la danza influye en ellos. La EPDM complementa la formación de los futuros bailarines profesionales con materias como las artes plásticas y los mejores trabajos creados en esta clase durante el presente ciclo escolar serán expuestos.  
La Escuela Profesional de Danza de Mazatlán ha sido multipremiada y se perfila entre las mejores escuelas de danza contemporánea de Latinoamérica.
La entrada a la exposición Movimiento y color es libre.
“Movement and Color” Exhibition of EPDM Students Through the exhibition “Movement and Color”, which opens this Thursday, June 15th at 7 pm at the Rubio Gallery, students of the School of Professional Dance of Mazatlan will share their particular vision of art. In the works, artists translate their emotions and vision of their social environment and the way in which dance influences them. La EPDM complements the training of future professional dancers with material such as fine arts, and the best works created in this class during the present school year will be displayed. The School of Professional Dance of Mazatlan has been winning and is profiled among the best schools of contemporary dance of Latin America The entrance to the exhibition “Movement and Color” is free.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Prensa. .

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