This Friday the “Colombian Film Series in Mazatlan” continued with the film “El libro de Lila”, by the director Maricela Rincón González, an animated film that brought together hundreds of Mazatlan families on the green areas of the Sister Cities Park.
A pink sky with the three islands in the background, the lights of cars flowing like a river, parents and children playing volleyball, chairs and sheets as seats, popcorn and, in the background, vigilant, the hill of the Nevería, were the scene of this sensational encounter that took the name of “Cinema in the park” and took place thanks to the efforts of the Government of Colombia and the Institute of Culture of Mazatlan, under the direction of Raúl Rico González.
In a spectacular event, the screening of “El libro de Lila” made the Mazatlecos create a surreal summer night: they left their homes, gathered together with hundreds of strangers, let the vault shelter them, they felt the tender itching of the lawn and penetrated a surreal world.
“The Book of Lila” tells the story of a girl-character who is left out of her world of paper and, to return to it, she will have to seek and ask for help from “Ramón”, the child who used to read it. The adventure is complicated when he discovers that Ramón has grown up, has stopped reading and, worse, believes in fantasy.
This adventure becomes a pretext for the characters and, especially, the spectators, to see the cultural richness of Colombia: its cities injected with life and tradition, its untamed nature, its ancestral cultures, the color and magic of its art.
In this way, the “Colombian Film Series in Mazatlan” had one of its most successful functions, and this Saturday, at 6:00 p.m., in the Cinematograph of the School of Arts of Culture will come to an end with the projection from “El amor y otros demonios”, a work inspired by the book by Gabriel García Márquez. Admission is free, without ticket. Limited availability.