“La Fragata”, the first historical novel by Alfonso Aramis Franco Díaz, follows three men who are shipwrecked between despair, the weight of duty and the hunger for redemption, will be presented by the author on Tuesday, September 5th at 7:00 p.m. at Casa Haas. Free admission with tickets available at the box office of Teatro Ángela Peralta.
“La Fragata” proposes a meticulous revision of the great founding myth of Mazatlán, the defense of the port during the second French intervention. The author, Aramis Franco, goes far beyond the exaltation of dates and names engraved in gold letters; His work reminds us that History with a capital letter is always fiction supported by figures of flesh and blood who, perhaps, are destined to be forgotten, writes poet Fernando Alarriba.
The comments on the book will be carried out by the writer Samuel Parra; writer and historian Luis Antonio Martínez and Adalberto García López, head of the Editorial Department and editor of the book, on behalf of Ernestina Yepiz, editorial director of ISIC.
Alfonso Aramis Franco Díaz, writer, screenwriter and film director (Mazatlán, Sinaloa, 1986) has a degree in Communication Sciences from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa. He is the director and screenwriter of the films “A convenient disease”, “Olor a viejo” and “La torre negra” for which he has obtained regional recognition. In 2009, he directed the anthropological documentary “Las 600 familias”, co-produced by the Autonomous University of Sinaloa. He directed the documentaries “Camino de Luz”, “Escultor del Viento”, “El trovador del Campo” and “Cada vez más Elisa” for the Museo Casa de los Pérez Meza between 2010 and 2012. He directed and edited the documentary “Tres días de folklore” for the Instituto de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán in 2015.
He obtained 2nd place and Honorable Mention in the IV State Short Story Contest UAS 2003, for the story “Emergencias”. He compiled and edited the independent anthological book of stories “Retazos, sketch of eleven writers and an illustrator” in 2014.
His stories have been published in the anthologies “Oscuridad y silencio” (Gold Editorial, 2023) and Reflejos de otro mundo (Grupo Editorial Letras Negras, 2023). He collaborated on the collection of poems “Infinite Solitude” (Gold Editorial, 2023).
His first novel, “La frigata”, was published in 2023 by the publishing house of the Sinaloan Institute of Culture, ISIC.
He is currently a professor of Screenwriting and Film Analysis at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa.
Patchwork, sketch by eleven writers and one illustrator. Independent Edition, Mexico, 2014.
Darkness and Silence. Gold Editorial, Colombia, 2023.
Infinite Solitude. Gold Editorial, Colombia, 2023.
Reflections from another world, Grupo Editorial Letras Negras, Mexico 2023
The frigate, Editorial of the Sinaloense Institute of Culture ISIC, Mexico 2023.