Mazatlecan writer Consuelo Campos presented her debut book “Pepillo” at Casa Haas, a children’s book where the protagonist crocodile ‘always messes up’ to face adversity and reality in the real world.
It was a memorable afternoon for the writer and for dozens of people of all ages present at this literary meeting.
Accompanied by the poet Lupita Cárdenas, the author and the person responsible for the presentation revealed the secrets of the story illustrated by Alejandra de la Selva, a book aimed at children and adults that allows them to learn from this friendly reptile.
“I believe that ‘Pepillo’ is not only a story for children, it is a story that speaks about all of us, I think that we have all been ‘Pepillo’ at some point, we have all felt out of place, we have all at some point felt that we are not “We are happy and even though we try things do not turn out as we would like and as the story explains ‘Pepillo’ was educated to live in a zoo, and when he left he faced the greatest challenge that is life itself,” said the author.
In the story, after graduating from the crocodile farm, the dreamy and little ‘Pepillo’ must face the greatest adventure of all, life, things may not always go as one plans, but only in one’s own ‘paws’ is our true destiny, then you jump into the adventure in search of achieving your dreams, the greatest treasure in the world, happiness.
After the interesting talk came the round of questions and answers, where Consuelo Campos sympathetically stated that this story took her a day to construct, but many months of correction, until reaching the presentation, thanking maestra María Muñiz, coordinator of the presentation within the framework of the Literary Thursday program, for never letting go of it in this world of literature.
At the end of the questions, maestra María Múñiz thanked everyone for their presence and concluded with the presentation of recognition to the speakers, and then began with the signing of autographs and dedications to those who bought the book on display.