Choreographer, director and creator of contemporary dance of the EPDM of the CMA of the Instituto de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán, Xitlali Piña Poujol will be in the City of Querétaro from November 11th to 17th to share knowledge and experiences about body movement as a discipline and complement to life.
The collective “enNingúnlugar” A.C. is based in the City of Querétaro, promotes, organizes and hosts artistic, pedagogical and cultural activities focused on the body, art, education and the creation of sensitive and cooperative communities.
It is made up of EPDM graduates led by Luis Rubio. They have a holistic cultural center called Casa Verde. It has the characteristic that, in addition to being made up of stage creators, they have developed their own interests in a particular way.
In the case of Luis Rubio, he offers acupuncture sessions, Eliana Jiménez has a study on hypopressives (exercises that strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor), they have a system as a collective called “Humanimal” that works with the body but from another place, developing psychomotor mobility tools with the general population. They do not only focus on the work of dancers, they focus on all bodies and all ages.
Xitlali Piña will be included in this collective to teach a workshop and collaborate with Luis Rubio. This collective is also made up of Sofía Quiroz, Humberto Vega, Anna Karen González Huesca, María Paula Pérez Yate, Daniela Yañez, Selene Flores and Catalina Rojo and all their work ends up helping the local, state, national and international community.
Luis Rubio, a graduate of EPDM, has returned to work teaching a workshop with Generation XXIII and now Xitlali Piña will travel to Querétaro for the first time to teach a workshop and carry out a collaborative work called “El Jabalí” with enNingúnlugar.