The graduate in the Bachelor of Music will be a professional who will possess:
Knowledge to develop efficiently in different areas of production and the musical labor market. He will also possess interpretation skills that will facilitate his insertion in the professional world of music of national and international competition, standing out for his quality and professionalism.
He will also have the necessary tools for pedagogy and music analysis, which will allow him to be a musician trained in a holistic way in different academic areas of his discipline.
Attitudes to perform as an ethical and socially responsible musician of artistic work. It will unfold with readiness to team work. It will incorporate values to promote and manage in favor of art and culture, as well as promoting projects of artistic and cultural relevance for the benefit of the larger society.
Singing I
Choral Sets I
Writing Techniques, Musical Analysis and Auditory Training I
Functional Piano I
Physical Preparation I
Theater I
Italian I
History of Music I
Oral and written communication
Singing II
Choral Sets II
Writing Techniques, Musical Analysis and Auditory Training II
Functional Piano II
Physical Preparation II
Theater II
Italian II
History of Music II
Sing III
Coral Sets III
Writing Techniques, Musical Analysis and Auditory Training III
Functional Piano III
Body Expression I
Theater III
German I
History of Music III
Canto IV
Coral Sets IV
Writing Techniques, Musical Analysis and Auditory Training IV
Functional Piano IV
Body Expression II
Theater IV
German II
History of Music IV
Investigation methodology
Singing V
Choral Sets V
Writing Techniques, Musical Analysis and Auditory Training V
Dance I
Theater V
Chamber Opera I
French I
History of Mexican Music I
Research Seminar I
Canto VI
Coral Sets VI
Writing Techniques, Musical Analysis and Auditory Training VI
Dance II
Theater VI
Chamber Opera II
French II
History of Mexican Music II
Research Seminar II
Canto VII
Coral Sets VII
Writing Techniques, Musical Analysis and Auditory Training V
Dance III
Theater VII
Opera House III
English I
Production I
Thesis Seminar I
Canto VIII
Choral Sets VIII
Writing Techniques, Musical Analysis and Auditory Training V
Dance IV
Theater VIII
Thesis Seminar II
Opera House IV
English II
Production II