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Continuing with the successful series of Online Master Classes that the Instituto Municipal de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán has implemented as a result of the health contingency COVID-19, starting on Saturday, August 8 at 11:00 am (12: 00 PM Central Time) the program “Pictorial Lines Online” will begin.

The public will be able to learn about the creative processes of four outstanding painters through a series of talks with choreographer Claudia Lavista and the participation of the attendees.

“Pictorial Lines Online” will be headed by: Magali Lara (August 8), Raúl Herrera (August 15), Janeth Berrettini (August 22) and Arnaldo Coen (August 29).

On this occasion, the sessions will be open to the general public and there will be space for 50 participants. Those who wish to join the talks should send a confirmation of attendance and their details (full name and telephone) to the email: sepiarice@yahoo.com

After the talks are streamed live, they will be uploaded to the “Cultura CMA” Facebook page and will be available to more audiences.

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