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This Thursday, the painting and sculpture exhibition “Colores Coloridos” was inaugurated at the Rubio Gallery, made up of [ieces by students from the Children’s Fine Arts workshops of the Municipal Center for the Arts.

With a full house, great joy and pride, Liliana Aréchiga, educational director of the CMA and Mónica Rice, coordinator of Fine Arts, welcomed the public, congratulated the artists and presented the work of 56 talented students from 7 to 12 years of age, who during the school year were guided in their classes by teachers Cecilia García Morales, Jesús Abraham López Ibarra and Karely Colio de Haro.

The exhibition consists of 47 paintings created with acrylic and watercolor and 9 sculptures, taking as an example some of the most famous paintings in history and through them they expressed and launched their imagination.

At the event, the proud children showed their parents, siblings and the general public their talent.
Small great artists invite you to join the workshop
Interviewed during the opening of the exhibition, Frida Rodríguez expressed her love for sculpture. “I like to do this because I shape a mass of clay and this makes my imagination fly, it is very fun and entertaining.”

Student Jimena Sofia Gómez shares that she begins to draw and exposes what comes out of her imagination.

Marcos Lobatos invites you to participate in a place where you can make your own art, things you like and express what you think.

Simón Guerra Piña feels that his imagination flies when he begins to paint and no matter how badly his work turns out, it will always be appreciated.

Karen Camila Padilla affirms: “A person can paint and no one should judge because your art is unique, painting does not mean that you have to do it perfect because everyone does the work as they want and no one should judge them more than you.”

The Colores Coloridos exhibition will remain open to the public until June 30th from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

People interested in receiving fine arts classes can enter the page of the Municipal Arts Center https://acortar.link/kuk5AK and pre-register.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Artistic Education Press, Press, Spring Season Press. .

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