On Thursday, June 29th at 6:00 p.m. at Casa Haas, poets Francisco Alcaraz and Moisés Vega present Voces sin Distancia [voices without distance] on the last Literary Thursday of Spring Season 2023 organized by the Instituto de Cultura, Turismo y Artes de Mazatlán.
Francisco Alcaraz, was born in Culiacán, studied Hispanic Language and Literature at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa.
The Musa Enferma made him the winner of the Elías Andino National Young Poetry Award in 2002.
Part of his work is included in various anthologies such as Los límites acordados; Mexican poets 1950-1982 by Margarito Cuéllar (UNAM, 2012); General anthology of Mexican poetry: Poetry of current Mexico from the second half of the 20th century to today by Juan Domingo Argüelles (Océano, 2014); Double edged mirror. Binational Anthology of Poetry on Colombia-Mexico Violence, by Iván Trejo (Atrasalante/UAS, 2014) and Essential Anthology of Mexican Poetry: One Hundred Poets from the 15th to the 21st Centuries, by Juan Domingo Argüelles (Océano, 2017).
Moisés Vega is a Mazatlecan poet born in 1982. He graduated from the Francisco Martínez Cabrera State Academy of Arts. His works include ‘Visions’ and ‘Memories of the body’. His poems have appeared in magazines such as La otra, Literal, Crítica. He has performed based on the work of Gilberto Owen, Jaime Labastida, and Eduardo Lizalde, among others.