Con la ayuda de personal capacitado los usuarios lograron ingresar al portal, y navegaron por la información digitalizada. Las áreas del conocimiento más buscadas fueron literatura, matemáticas, arte y geografía.Francisca Morales, maestra de secundaria, opinó que el Bibliobús es una estrategia didáctica muy buena para sus alumnos y consideró que los jóvenes disfrutan mucho de la experiencia al interactuar con la novedosa tecnología que ofrece esta biblioteca andante.
Entusiasmados, los estudiantes Jéssica Beltrán y Edwin Villanueva compartieron su emoción al conocer la plataforma. Ambos están de acuerdo que es interesante y ellos al sentir fascinación por la lectura tendrán la oportunidad de leer libros de manera virtual y rápida.
Este jueves 25 de mayo el Bibliobús visitará la primaria Ricardo Flores Magón en la colonia Urías; el lunes 29 y martes 30 de mayo continuará su recorrido en el CBTIS No. 51, ubicado en el Fracc. Villa Galaxia.
The Bibliobus (mobile library) continues its activities in the port High school students of the Colegio Vanguardia, located in Colonia Juárez, had a visit from the Cultura Bibliobus in Mazatlan, a mobile virtual library which has the mission of expanding knowledge among the inhabitants of the municipality. With the help of trained users they are able to enter the portal, and sailed through the digitized information. The most sought after areas of knowledge were literature, mathematics, art and geography. Francisca Morales, secondary teacher, believes that the mobile library is a very good teaching strategy for her students and she saw that the young people enjoyed the experience very much when interacting with the novel technology that this mobile library offers. Enthusiastic, students Jessica Beltran and Edwin Villanueva shared their excitement to learn about the platform. Both agree that it is interesting. They are fascinated by reading and will have the opportunity to read virtual books quickly. On Thursday, May 25th, the Bibliobus will visit the Ricardo Flores Magón Primary School in the colonia Uriah; Monday, the 29th and Tuesday, the 30th of May it will continue its journey at CBTIS No. 51, located in the Villa Galaxy.