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“Sueños tangibles” [tangible dreams] by fine artist Gloria López Gavito continues on display at Casa Haas where it has been visited by hundreds of locals, foreign residents, national and international tourists; Some pieces have already been purchased and packed for the Old Continent.

Due to the personal success that the acceptance of the collection represents, the artist gave a cocktail party surrounded by friends, family and the general public, to thank them for this response and expressed gratitude to the Instituto Municipal de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán for the facilities provided to promote his latest project.

The exhibition will remain open to the public until October 12th and during this period the artist hopes to receive more visitors and sales, since a part of the proceeds will be donated to a shelter that exclusively serves girls and young people.

“I am immensely grateful to Raúl Rico, to everyone who has helped me put together this exhibition. Two paintings and one of sculpture have been sold. The sculpture was hands that went to Italy. The paintings stayed in Mexico, We hope it will be promoted because we have one week left and more sales can be made, since there will be an important donation for the Mazatlan Orphanage, which is “Casa del Mar”, where we have purely girls to whom we give education, psychological support, a house, food, we need to support them and have funds to carry out all the programs,” she exclaimed.

In the future the artist will continue to exhibit her art, whether individually or collectively; To date she has accumulated more than 120 exhibitions in the world and she plans to set up her own gallery to continue exhibiting, moving work and selling to continue supporting noble causes.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Press. .

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