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Moments of healthy recreation and family coexistence were experienced by residents of Villa Unión and neighboring communities, during the screening of the film Intensa – Mente, a Pixar feature film that triumphed in theaters and at Disney, a film that talks about emotions in a different way.

The “Cinema under the stars” project is an initiative of the Cinépolis Foundation promoted and supported by the Sinaloense Institute of Culture and the Municipal Institute of Culture, Tourism and Art of Mazatlán.

The screening of the film was on Sunday, November 5th in the Plazuela of the municipal seat of the Villa Unión municipality.

Next to the Church of San Juan Bautista, the CULTURA staff placed 180 chairs that were entirely occupied by families who live in Villa Unión, El Roble and Walamo. The spectators also dispersed to both sides and corridors of the square.

A huge screen measuring 9 meters long by 7 meters high served for the projection of the film whose original title is “Inside Out” which means “de adentro hacia fuera” and through the plot the public can see what is inside the human mind and how it works.

The protagonist is Riley (the mind), a teenager who, after having had a happy childhood in Minnesota, goes into crisis when her parents decide to move to San Francisco, California.

The screening of the film that talks about emotions (joy, sadness, anger, hatred, disgust) managed to catch the attention of young people, older adults and boys and girls who, like in the cinema, received (free) bags of popcorn to enjoy the seventh art in the open air.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Press. .

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