Volver arriba

To the sound of Banda La Única and with the powerful voice of Óscar Gómez, dozens of people gathered in the El Recodo syndicate shed, enjoyed a pleasant afternoon at the start of the Cultura en tu Comunidad program, an initiative of the Festival Cultural Mazatlán to bring expressions of art to communities in rural areas.

The musical party started at 6:00 p.m., with the song “El muchacho alegre” and from the first note it aroused interest among the spectators who little by little occupied the chairs previously installed by the Instituto Municipal de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán.

It was in the third song of the afternoon when tenor Óscar Gómez came on stage and took over the microphone when he performed the classic “Mi gusto es”, followed by “Castigo”.

With high spirits, the native of Villa Unión dedicated “El corrido de Mazatlán” to those present, and paid tribute to great composers and performers such as José Alfredo Jiménez, Luis Pérez Meza, through the songs: “Leña de pirul”, “Tristes recuerdos”, and “El sauce y la palma”, among others.

In the final part of his participation he sang the ballad “Mi mayor anhelo” and said goodbye with the acclaimed “El Sinaloense.”

Excited by his performance, the singer thanked the invitation and support of the Instituto de Cultura de Mazatlán because although he is Mazatlecan, he had not had the opportunity to sing in El Recodo, a charming town where he felt happy by the response of the audience made up of children, girls, adults singing, recording video, it was something very special.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Press. .

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