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After a school cycle of learning in the Music Workshop of the Municipal Center for the Arts, students of maestro Sergio Castellanos gave a beautiful piano recital in front of dozens of attendees at the Museo de la Music.


Boys, girls and adolescents starred in the musical afternoon, who performed beautiful pieces through opera arias, classical pieces and a brief repertoire of marches, themes that were enough to demonstrate their musical progress during the school year that was about to end.


In the magical afternoon, famous composers such as Sebastian Bach, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Antonio Vivaldi, Amadeus Mozart, among others, were remembered. The solos and a duet made up of Andrea Ruiz Álvarez and Jesús Demetrio Canizalez stood out in the program.


The students were excited to experience their first performance in front of the public. Rolando Lizárraga Zamudio, a budding artist, was nervous at his debut but when he interpreted his favorite song “Canción de luna”, everything flowed and he enjoyed his participation.


Bryseida Audeves Camacho, the most advanced student, affirmed that it was her second recital and her preparation gave her confidence when interpreting songs with greater difficulty.


For maestro Sergio Castellanos, this was a fabulous end of classes, because he appreciated the progress of all his students from the youngest who started from scratch, but with effort and dedication they did a good job and invited them to continue studying and preparing because music is a very zealous art that demands discipline.


The students who gave the recital were: Michel Emmanuel Rodríguez, Ivy Guadalupe Gárate, Lian González, Alondra Nava, Valentina Badillo Rodríguez, Luis Guerrero Aguayo, Ramsés López Rosillo, Rolando Lizárraga, Bryseida Audeves, Valentina Martínez, Andrea Ruiz and Jesús Canizalez.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Artistic Education Press, Press, Spring Season Press. .

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