Committed to the quality of the teachers for a better pedagogical development with the student community, the Municipal Instituto de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán gave recognitions to the 43 teachers who were trained in the “Basic Course of Teacher Training”, as well as to the teachers who taught it.
The training took place in two periods, the first being held from November 4 to 22, 2019, and the second from January 7 to 29 of the current year, where teachers Xóchitl Quintero Lizárraga and Carlos Zamudio Togo were in charge of the groups, to train the staff that works at the Municipal Arts Center.
José Ángel Tostado Quevedo, Manager of the General Directorate of the Instituto de Cultura, in his message congratulated the teachers and said that more courses will come in different aspects for the staff, a situation that directly benefits those involved, as well as raising the quality of the CMA , staff that seeks to continue growing with new technical careers and specialties in the arts.
Juan Manuel Flores Vázquez, Educational Director of the CMA, indicated that training is a vital process of importance within any organization, regardless of the line of business, which allows quality improvement, services that they offer, above all, strengthens the teaching process -learning consistent with the Educational Model of the Institution.
After the words, the recognitions were delivered to the teachers who were present, who expressed their excitement by the opportunities that the CMA and the Instituto de Cultura offer them.