Counselors of the Municipal Instituto de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán unanimously approved the budget expansion corresponding to the month of February 2023 and voted in favor of adjusting the collection of fees for students of the Municipal Center of the Arts.
The sixth ordinary session of the Board of Directors of CULTURA was chaired by the Municipal President of Mazatlán, Edgar González Zatarain and Raúl Rico González, General Director of the paramunicipal.
In the presence of the majority of the councils, González Zatarain read the agenda, which included, among other items, the presentation, analysis and authorization, where appropriate, of the budget increase corresponding to the month of February and the same monitoring of the Financial Statements of January and February.
In the session, the new directors, Verenice Oleta Benítez, José de Jesús Reyes Machain and Sergio Romero Barrera were sworn in.
At the Council meeting, Raúl Rico González presented a report on the results of Carnaval Internacional Mazatlán 2023, which had income in the order of 107 million 694 thousand 505 pesos and expenses of 58 million 750 thousand 114 pesos, well below the 100 million 091 thousand 128 pesos spent on Carnaval 2022.
On another topic, Raúl Rico presented a report on the actions carried out to improve the physical conditions of Casa Haas and the Municipal Center for the Arts, among which waterproofing and painting, repair of chairs and armchairs, repair and introduction of electrical wiring, placement of of dampers, and fumigation against termites.
Regarding the improvement of educational quality, he highlighted that the study plans for the Bachelor’s Degree in Contemporary Dance, Theater Art Technician, Ballet Technician and Fine Arts Technician are being updated.
He stressed that on April 18th there is an appointment at the SEPyC to process the delivery of 88 certificates and the validation of social service documents that have been pending for three years, and the titling process and electronic IDs are in process.
During the session, videos were projected about the last edition of Carnaval Mazatlán and about the programming of Spring Season 2023.