Exhibits “Entre Líneas” at the Ángela Peralta Gallery
““Entre Líneas”inaugurated at the Ángela Peralta Gallery represents the first exhibition in the port of the visual poet Ana Fabiola Medina.
On a special night, the Mazatlecan artist based in Monterrey – who with her work seeks to involve people so that they are part of her creative process – said she was very excited because exhibiting in Mazatlán was one of her dreams.
“This was a dream, look, I’m going to cry, coming to exhibit in Mazatlán was a dream but the conditions had to be met, they had to be pieces that were worthwhile, the Ángela Peralta Theater I visited as a child, not inside, it was all covered up “My uncle and I walked towards the tortillas, my grandmother lived close by here, that is, it is a passage that I walked every day to go to primary school, to return.”
“How nice that my work is housed here is very significant to me, I am more than happy,” she says regarding her exhibition at the Ángela Peralta Gallery, a very significant achievement because although “the theater is all transformed, it is beautiful.”
The presentation of the artist was chaired by maestro Enrique Vega on behalf of the Instituto Municipal de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán; Julieta Lomelí, Dory Perdomo, Director of the Academia Baupres Gallery and naestra Mónica Rice, coordinator of the Fine Arts area of the Municipal Arts Center.
Ana Fabiola Medina has a degree in Psychology with a Master of Arts and a Doctorate in Philosophy from UANL. She is a researcher of creative processes in childhood and the experience of art.
Dory Perdomo thanked the artist for allowing her work to be shown in the Port of Mazatlán and reiterated the recognition of the Cultural Center’s curator, maestro Gabriel Miranda.
Entre Líneas is an exhibition of visual poetry made up of around 25 pieces from various series that include: Book Intervention, visual poetry, paper sculpture and photography. These pieces include a presentation on the artist’s creative process and a workshop for the creation of visual poetry in direct formats.
The artist has been creating this work for around 10 years; She set up her first exhibition at the Casa Universitaria del Libro in Monterrey, she has presented her work in museums and her exhibition has traveled to different parts of the Mexican Republic such as Mérida, Puebla, Zacatecas, Chihuahua, Mexico City and for the first time in Mazatlán.
Ana Fabiola Medina’s intention is to invite the viewer to approach her work that is small but full of details; Its intention is that they can look at the image, contemplate it and discover that word that is there in a space and rectify it.
Entre Líneas will be open to the public at the Ángela Peralta Gallery until November 17th.
“I hope that not only my acquaintances come, that the new Mazatlecan generations can recognize me and that they see that here is a Mazatleca too,” she expressed.