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With a mosaic of yesterday’s hits in a musical tour, Grupo Morsa offered a spectacular concert in tribute to the British group The Beatles.

With two performances held at the majestic Ángela Peralta Theater, attendees relived the golden age of Rock n’ roll.

Atmosphere, passion, memories and the best of this musical genre, hundreds enjoyed singing songs like “All my loving”, “She loves you”, “Yesterday”, “Penny Lane”, “Let it be”, “Revolution”, “ Hey jude”, and “Twist and shout”, among others.

This tribute to The Beatles is part of the great artistic billboard of the Festival Cultural 2022 carried out by the Instituto Municipal de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán headed by Lic. José Ángel Tostado Quevedo, appointed by Mayor quimico Luis Guillermo Benitez Torres to offer high-quality shows promoting art and culture.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Press. .

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