With “Versos y Blasfemias del caminante” they remembered and paid tribute to León Felipe, one of the most distinguished Spanish writers who has been somewhat forgotten because his work nois longer sold, no longer reprinted.
“That is why you would minstrel again with the voice and song of the poet, as for more than thirty years, with songs and voices that are replicated over time and distance, because it is true that there is nothing new under the sun, and the the cry for freedom and justice is a cry that poets enunciate frequently and Juglarías is today more complete than ever because we have one of our minstrels, Dr. Marco Antonio Escalante.”
With these words, maestra María Muñiz welcomed the poetic recital “Versos y Blaspemias del Caminante”, held last Thursday at Casa Haas.
The poetry recital is an event on Literary Thursdays and is part of the activities of Spring Season 2023 of the Instituto de Cultura, turismo y Artes de Mazatlán.Institute of Culture, Tourism and Arts of Mazatlán.
Guitars, percussion, singing, the poems of León Felipe in the voice of the artists made Literary Thursdays an emotional afternoon and the promise of maestra María Muñiz to integrate Dr. Marco Antonio Escalante in the near future.
Ileana Osuna, Javier Chimaldi, Roberto Loera, José Ramón Rojas Garzón, Omar Ríos and Luis Antonio Martínez Peña participated, who received their recognition at the end of the recital.