Students of the painting workshop taught by Manuel V Carlock try to bring their works closer to the Mazatlan public and tourists through the exhibition “Lápices y pinceles” [pencils and brushes”] mounted at the Rubio Gallery.
The free access exhibition for the public is made up of 38 paintings through which the authors share their emotions, their internal worlds and their perspective on the environment that surrounds us.
The Educational Director of the Municipal Center for the Arts, Liliana Aréchiga Pérez, was present at the inauguration of “Pencils and Brushes”, accompanied by the coordinator of the School of Fine Arts of the CMA, Mónica Rice; fine artist Manuel V Carlock and relatives and friends of the exhibitors.
In her speech, Liliana Aréchiga recognized the work of maestro Carlock to implant and promote knowledge and love for fine arts.
In the act, awards were given to the artists who exhibit their works in the Rubio Gallery and the parents were thanked for supporting and directing their children to the world of the arts.
The following received recognition for their commitment and dedication: Hiram Santiago Loaiza Rodríguez, Adrián Villanueva Flores, Mila Gómez Llanos Lizárraga, Romeo Rueda Loera, Elizabeth McCrory Vargas, Román Said Hernández Wences, María Juanita García Carrillo, Daniela Salas González, Emilia Yacamán Hernández, Regina Osuna Giles, Nina Alejandra Higuera Gonzáles and Ana Lucía Cázares Moreno.
Also exhibiting their work: Eliza, Bárbara and Patricia Torres Olson; Iker Hernán and Zaire Alkaid Peraza Castañeda; Carlo Tadeo and Roberto Cabaleiro Osuna; Regina Manríquez Vizcarra, Luciana Arballo Santana, Irma Campos Rico, Ivania Enríquez Hernández, Camila Valentina Salazar Hernández, Ivanna Marín Sánchez and Mijaly Ganesh Crisantes.
Maestro Manuel V Carlock thanked the Instituto Municipal de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán for the facilities to carry out the workshop and the exhibition where the progress of the students can be observed.
The course has been a time to meet and channel each of the young people in this path of art, stimulate their artistic learning and expression through colors in their composition and drawings.
Irma Campos Rico, 12 years old, commented that her pieces are a reflection of what she loves, like nature, and in this workshop she has felt accepted and it has been easier to express her emotions through painting.
Adrián Villanueva Flores, 10 years old, commented that learning to paint meant an achievement, it was a great experience and the workshop aroused many emotions and happiness in him.
Ivania Enríquez Hernández, 9 years old, invited all to be part of the painting workshop because the space is pleasant, you can paint and express what you want.
Ivanna Marín Sánchez assured that in the workshop she learned to use brushes and colors better and in her end-of-course work she captured two worlds, one black and white and the other full of colors, which means that there are different types of tastes.
María Juanita García Carrillo, 11 years old, shared that in her work she painted a sunset that reminds her of the beach in Mazatlán because she likes it a lot and invited all to participate in the workshop ofmaestro Carlock because they learn many new things.
“Lápices y pinceles” will be open to the public until July 28th, admission is free from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Saturdays.