“La Nave”, a work by José Luis Pineda Servín under the direction of Manolo Díaz was presented at the Ángela Peralta Theater with the performance of Adriana Judith López Cázares and Jorge Ernesto Chavarín Figueroa, who that night they lived their graduation ceremony at the end of their studies of a technical career in Theater Art.
The graduates of the Theater School of the Municipal Center for the Arts, in the company of guest actress Melanie Raygoza, starred in a tender, descriptive and motivating play of social values where the impossible is full of possibilities.
In an interview with the new actress Adriana Judith López Cázares, she expressed that studying theater at the CMA was a great experience.
“These three years called for a lot of effort, a lot of dedication, but above all it was a pampering for our acting lives that were just beginning, I think it was a place to start, it was very nice, all the teachers were always there for us, and we were always here for ur companions and for eachother ”.
Actor Jorge Ernesto Chavarín Figueroa said he became very fond of “Yiyo” since it was incredible to approach the character and he was able to heal his inner child a lot through that character.
Regarding his time at the CMA, he pointed out that he was very happy for three years, he enjoyed it a lot and it was great.
Maestro Ramón Gómez Polo expressed being very happy, excited and proud of the two graduates because he has experienced the process (of their training) and has known them from the beginning.
The coordinator of the Theater School thanked the families of the graduates for the support they have given them, so the two new talents of Theater Art have the courage to face whatever comes their way.
During the graduation ceremony, the Educational Director of the CMA, Liliana Aréchiga Pérez, invited maestros Silvia Flores, Alejandra Quintanilla and Damayanti Gálvez González and maestro José Manzanilla Luna to the stage to celebrate and deliver to Adriana Judith López Cázares and Jorge Ernesto Chavarín Figueroa, their respective recognitions issued by the Instituto de Cultura, Turismo y Artes de Mazatlán for having successfully completed the Technical Career in Theater Art, Generation 2020-2023.