It will be given this Wednesday by the Chronicler of Mazatlán, Mtro. Enrique Vega Ayala
Within the framework of the 140th anniversary of the death of the singer Ángela Peralta this Wednesday, August 30th at 6:00 p.m. in the gallery that bears her name, the Chronicler of Mazatlán, Enrique Vega Ayala will give a conference to present and disseminate the themes for which the historical, feminine, artistic and cultural figure of this character resists being shared over time.
Ángela Peralta was an outstanding 19th century Mexican soprano of world fame who from a very young age managed to conquer the main stages of Europe and died in Mazatlán due to Yellow Fever.
Maestro Enrique Vega advanced that Ángela Peralta, when she died in Mazatlán, probably left a more lasting mark, perhaps because of the ephemeral nature of her passage. She stayed for a few days, arrived on the 22nd and died on August 30, 1883, and the curious thing is that after her death her legend was born here.
“From this event in Mazatlán different musical groups, orfeones, choirs have been called Ángela Peralta, it has even transcended beyond the cultural part because there are also schools with her name, the cemetery bears her name, her remains were there for around 50 years, and in 1937 they were removed to move them to Mexico City to the Rotunda of Illustrious Persons, she was the first woman to enter that roundabout when it was called the Rotunda of Illustrious Men, then she is the diva of Bel Canto in Mexico , she toured the world, she took the name of Mexico everywhere and her importance in that area is to be commemorated”.
Vega Ayala highlighted that Ángela Peralta was a woman who struggled in many aspects to be able to stand out, of course her privileged voice was the most important thing and helped her overcome many obstacles, starting with her physical conditions because she was small, robust, myopic, had problems even to move on stage when she didn’t wear glasses, she couldn’t use them on stage, so in the face of all those physical obstacles, her voice and her spirit of course, pushed her forward as a woman at a time when discrimination was even more serious.
“And if we add to that that she married very young and was practically a widow while she was alive because her husband began to suffer from his mental faculties and they isolated him because he entered a psychiatric clinic and because despite being a very young woman she was married with this person and she could not have further relationships, she began to have a conjugal life with her artistic representative and that still generated a situation of very strong social criticism.
If you, the reader, want to follow the thread of this story, attend this Wednesday, August 30th at 6:00 p.m. at the Ángela Peralta Gallery and analyze, reflect on, and learn about the social and political contexts that made the life story of Angela Peralta.