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The documentary “The Secret of Dr. Grinbgerg” (2020), a film about the Mexican neurophysiologist Jacobo Gringberg directed by Ida Cuéllar of Spain, produced by Polar Star Film, arrives this Saturday, December 9th at 6:00 p.m. to the “Marco Lugo” Cinema of the Municipal Arts Center.

The documentary portrays the mysterious disappearance of scientist Jacobo Grinberg, one of the enigmas that has generated his own cult among the Mexican counterculture. The real events are being reconstructed that in some way try to explain the reason for the scientist’s disappearance; the strange circumstances of his disappearance gave rise to multiple hypotheses and theories that have contributed to hiding the truth of the case.

“The Secret of Dr. Grinbgerg” recounts a nine-year investigation; Stories, interviews, and research work place the viewer inside the myth, rather than a novel or a linear story.

The director of the film expresses about her film: “I hope that the public gets to know Grinberg to recover his figure and what he believed in, the fusion of the materialist scientific world with a more magical and intangible world that human beings should approach now. ”.

The film is projected in its original language, Spanish, it will start at 6:00 p.m. and admission is free. Limited availability.

Those interested will enter 15 minutes early through the main door of the Municipal Arts Center located on Carnaval Street, on Plazuela Machado.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Artistic Education Press, Press. .

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