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At the beginning of the school year, the Youth Orchestra of the Municipal Arts Center of the Instituto de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán, directed by maestro Juan Carlos Chavarría Reyes, offered its first class to the public exhibition with Mexican pieces at the Music Museum.

The surprise was the inclusion of lyrical singers Vanessa Gama, Evelyn Serna and Gerardo Sosa, members of the Opera Workshop of the Instituto de Cultura de Mazatlán directed by maestro Enrique Patrón de Rueda.

The songs performed were: “Vals Carmen”, “La Bikina”, “Granada”, “Cielito Lindo”, “El Rey”, “México Lindo y Querido” and “El Corrido de Mazatlán”.

The Music Museum registered a full house, all the songs were applauded. At the end of each of them, maestro Juan Carlos Chavarría had a wide smile, he even mentioned empathetically: “If you feel like singing, you can sing.”

Gerardo Sosa performed “The King” and the audience in unison chanted with him: ““Llorar y llorar, llorar y llorar”, the female soloists excelled in their performances while in the audience maestro Enrique Patrón de Rueda looked happy applauding them and enjoying his talent.

Vanessa Gama repeated the performance of “Granada”, as the audience did not stop applauding the concert, and in the midst of the enthusiasm, maestro Juan Carlos Chavarría asked the spectators what song they wanted to be repeated and they chose and applauded Vanessa Gama again.

Twenty-four musical promises were enthusiastically applauded, the families showed their admiration and pride for the academic and musical development that their children have obtained in the CMA classrooms.

Maestro Juan Carlos Chavarría thanked the Instituto de Cultura for its support in holding these events and thanked the families of the musicians and singers for the trust in having their loved ones at the Municipal Arts Center.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Artistic Education Press, Press. .

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