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Historias de un Grillo inspired by the music, songs and characters that catapulted Veracruz singer-songwriter Francisco Gabilondo Soler to fame, managed to fill the Ángela Peralta Theater to its maximum capacity.

In the first function carried out this Saturday night, families from the Port and some visitors enjoyed the fantastic production with live music and dancers and singers on stage, presented by the Instituto Municipal de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán within the framework of Spring Season 2023.

The cast made up of the Camerata Mazatlán under the baton of guest director Jacob Tapia; the voices of the Children’s Choir of the Municipal Arts Center, dancers from the Municipal School of Classical Ballet directed by maestra Zoila Fernández and the soloists Eduardo Tapia, Mariela Angulo, Rebeca de Rueda and Sarah Holcombe, offered a wonderful and sweet musical journey towards the past when interpreting the most emblematic songs of Gabilondo Soler, which accompanied the childhood and adolescence of several generations.

Pieces that became classics in the incomparable voice of “El Grillito Cantor” moved the memory, awakened feelings and emotions that embrace the heart and brought to mind endearing beings.

Pieces such as “La patita”, “El chorrito”, “La muñeca fea”, “La negrita cucurumbé”, “Canción de las brujas”, “Chong ki fu”, “Ché araña” and “Caminito de la escuela”, among others.

Throughout the concert, the audience -including dozens of boys and girls- accompanied the artistic performance of the musicians and the choreographies performed by the dancers characterized as characters from the imagination of “Cri Cri”.

The show shone even more with the projection of videos and multimedia that led the public to transit between enchanted forests, flying witches, balloons that looked like raindrops, the quiet life of the countryside, the school and granny’s bedroom, the sun and the beauty of the coast framed by hundreds of colored balloons.

At the end of the show, the public offered loud applause to the artists who excitedly asked for “Another… another!” and on Tuesday CULTURA will offer two more shows for basic level school students.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Angela Peralta Theater Press, Artistic Education Press, Press. .

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