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The adventures of Wendy and her brothers when facing Captain Hook and his pirates in Neverland with the help of Tinker Bell, the lost children and the fantastic Peter Pan will draw the curtain on the Ángela Peralta Theater this Friday, the 16th and Saturday, the 17th of June at 8 pm.

In this wonderful staging that will make you feel, fly, laugh and be amazed at the incredible power of dreams. Maestra and choreographer Zoila Fernández Fernández manages to combine the art of classical dance with a story of magic dust based on the classic children’s tale that leaves great wisdom.

With this staging, EMBC students will say goodbye to the current school year and for dancers Natali Zoe Rangel, a graduate of the Ballet workshop, and Anna Karenina Rodríguez Villarreal, a graduate of the Classical Ballet Technical level, it will be their unforgettable graduation ceremony.

First-year Ballet students will participate and the main roles will be played by dancers with a medium technical level.

“Wendy, Tinkerbell, the main soloist when the Indians appear is Princess Tigrilla, so we will develop each scene with a lot of magic for the enjoyment of all who come to appreciate this magical world of ballet through the staging of Peter Pan. ”, comments maestra Zoila Fernández.

There will be 64 dancers on stage, 53 students from the Municipal School of Classical Ballet plus 11 dancers from the Mazatlán Ballet Company”.

The three-dimensional scenery is by Víctor Carrizales and the costumes have been made by different dressmakers and by the staff of the Sewing Workshop of the Instituto de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán.

Tickets $300, $250, $200, $150 pesos available at the digital box office 669 120 0020 or at the Ángela Peralta Theater box office. Info: 669 982 4446. Ext. 103.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Angela Peralta Theater Gallery, Angela Peralta Theater Press, Artistic Education Press, Municipal School of Classical Ballet Press, Press, Spring Season Press. .

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