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El Josar from the Rio a Trote theater company had the public into the bag with his performance in the monologue “Rio de Anxiety” presented last Sunday afternoon at the Casa facilities Haas, a piece with which he demonstrated that even in the most difficult moments, we can find humor to make life easier.

Rio de Ansiedad is a one-person show where El Josar improvised and interacted with the public who shared their fears or states of anxiety, situations that were transformed from good humor, which made the afternoon pleasant and generated laughter and applause among the attendees.

“The message of the project is to laugh at our anxiety, like the case of the classmate who does her presentations with her students with anxiousnous, it gives her insomnia, generates stress and discomfort, that can become a device to laugh at ourselves, and at the same time laugh at our situation and at life, look at our anxiety in a lighter way, ”the actor shared at the end of his presentation.

This event was free to enter, and the intention was to raise funds through the voluntary cooperation of the public since El Josar was selected by the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, United Kingdom (Royal Conservatory of Scotland), to study a Master’s Degree in Acting and although has been applying for scholarships, the actor wants to have his “little cushion” for any unforeseen event. The Master’s degree begins on September 2th5 and lasts approximately one year.

At the end of his presentation, El Josar thanked the Instituto Municipal de Cultura, Turismo y Arte de Mazatlán for the support provided at Casa Haas.

Éste artículo fue publicado en Press. .

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